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Tips for Living With a Traumatic Brain Injury

Nov 12, 2014

Recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be a difficult, long-term process. Depending on the severity of a head injury, someone may have to relearn how to walk, talk, and complete basic daily tasks. In addition to these challenges, living with TBI often means adjusting to changes in your emotions and thought processes. Some of these may be temporary, while others may result in more permanent personality changes. 

These physical, mental, and emotional difficulties can take their toll on those suffering from TBIs and those who live with or take care of them. Although the road to recovery may be an imperfect one, there are some things you can do to make living with TBI a little bit easier. Check out these tips from the 24/7 New Orleans brain injury lawyers at Mike Brandner Injury Attorneys.

Challenges of Living With TBI

No two brain injuries are exactly the same, and even similar types of injuries can produce completely different symptoms from person to person. It’s important to understand that each person’s recovery journey is unique—what works for one person may not work for another in managing the effects of a TBI. Read on to find out more about the common symptoms those with TBIs may experience.

Cognitive Effects

A traumatic brain injury can result in short or long-term issues impacting cognitive abilities, including the ability to comprehend information, make decisions, retain and use information, pay attention or concentrate, and speak. Ongoing issues with cognition can have a major impact on quality of life and the ability to care for oneself. 

Physical Effects

The physical effects of a TBI can vary greatly and change over time depending on the severity of the injury and which area of the brain is affected. Physical effects may range from mild to completely debilitating. 

Persistent headaches, partial or full paralysis, impaired balance or coordination, low energy, fatigue, hearing loss, and sleep disorders are all common. Some who experience a TBI may also develop seizure disorders or nerve problems.

Psychological Effects

Living with TBI after a catastrophic accident often includes psychological and emotional changes. Some of these may be associated with the injured part of the brain, while others may be a result of the struggle to cope with other consequences of injury. 

Depression, anxiety, PTSD, mood swings, and difficulty controlling or expressing emotions may all occur. Some people may also experience more difficulty reading social cues or interacting with others.

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Strategies to Improve Quality of Life With TBI

Trying to cope with a major life change like a TBI can sometimes feel impossible. Even milder effects can disrupt your entire life, including your career or relationships. Many TBI symptoms can be treated with medication, physical therapy, and other interventions. 

When it comes to day-to-day activities, though, there are many things you can do at home to make living with TBI a little easier.

Develop a Routine

Those who struggle with memory after a TBI may be more likely to forget important tasks that many of us take for granted. Developing a daily routine can help those who struggle with planning and organization after a head injury. You can use a whiteboard, Post-It notes, or a mobile phone app to keep track of daily tasks and schedules. 

Routines may also help ease anxiety. The less time you have to spend trying to remember what you should do next, the less time you’ll spend feeling frustrated, confused, and anxious. 

Label Your Living Space

Adding labels to items you need regularly can help you navigate your home more easily and quickly. Whether it’s labeling light switches, leaving a short step-by-step reminder on how to use the microwave, or utilizing color-coded stickers to help you remember which medications to take and when, labeling your living space is a simple way to boost a sense of independence and reduce frustration. 

For those who may struggle with vision, labels with bright colors and big letters may also help in finding what you need more quickly.

Track Your Symptoms Over Time 

Even keeping a simple log of day-to-day symptoms can help you and your doctor determine when treatments or medications are or aren’t working. You can try keeping a more detailed journal as well, which can help you identify your emotions and potential triggers. 

If writing is a struggle, there are many voice-to-text apps available that can help you keep track of your thoughts, feelings, and physical symptoms.

Cultivate Patience

At Mike Brandner Injury Attorneys, we understand that having to relearn tasks or adjust your routine is understandably frustrating. Dealing with the emotional and psychological changes a TBI can bring may make it harder to be patient and gentle with oneself. 

Practice self-acceptance and self-compassion whenever possible. Allow yourself extra time to complete tasks and ask for help or support when you need it. Support groups and therapy may also be able to help you cultivate these skills.

Simplify Your Life

Especially when you’re in the early stages of recovery from TBI, many tasks and situations may seem overwhelming. Simplify your life as much as possible. This may mean breaking down tasks into even smaller tasks to avoid being overwhelmed. 

For instance, you may find some social situations you used to enjoy to be too overstimulating. Keep in mind that these reactions are normal and understandable, and keep your life as simple as possible while you focus on healing. 

When to Contact a Louisiana TBI Lawyer

Many traumatic brain injuries are the result of a car accident, assault, or slip and fall. Sometimes, another party—such as a reckless driver or a negligent property owner—may be fully or partially at fault for your injuries. 

If so, you may be entitled to compensation through a traumatic brain injury claim. This compensation can help you pay your medical bills, receive ongoing care, and make up for your lost wages. If a TBI results in the wrongful death of a loved one, compensation may also help you pay for funeral costs and loss of consortium.

To find out if you may be eligible, contact the brain injury lawyers at Mike Brandner Injury Attorneys. Consultations are always free, and you don’t pay anything unless we win. Call us today at one of the numbers below, chat online with a live representative, or submit the details of your case using our secure contact form.

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